one minute flat.

Do you remember that old college trick for cooking an egg in a dorm room? It’s embarrassing to admit, but microwaved egg sandwiches were a staple of my diet all summer. Don’t judge me- it’s kind of funny when you think about it, right? No? Okay.

Start with an egg, a flat bottomed coffee mug, cooking spray, and salt. If you like an egg sandwich, go ahead and pop your bread into the toaster before you even look at the egg.

Spray the inside of your mug! Then add your egg and a pinch of salt. Stir with a fork. Microwave for 35 seconds.

Grab that toast, scoop out your (perfectly shaped) egg, and make a sandwich!I like cheddar with mine.


Is it best practice for cooking an egg? No way.

Do you have a ready-to-eat meal in less than a minute? Heck yes. Pretty tasty, too.

<3, Liz

Published by Elizabeth

hey, what goes here?

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  1. Ohh, Robyn, I’m not really sure where I learned this. I’ve been trying to remember since I saw your comment. It probably was your doing! Thanks for helping me out! 🙂
    Also, are you guys doing alright? Did you have to evacuate?

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